Thursday, 21 July 2016

Hedgehogs are people too.

My love to hedgehogs started 21 years ago. It was a hard time for Russia, Perestroika (the major reformation of Russia since the revolution). Shops were empty. We had money but couldn't buy anything. My friend gave me her old furcoat which looked very funny. We called the fur "lis-pis" (what meant mix of fox and arctic fox) Either the coat was old or fur wasn't real, the coat looked like a hedgehog. Once one of my friends saw me in that coat and said "you are like a hedgehog".

Later on life in Russia got better. The boarders were open and I went to on a trip to Europe. There my collection of hedgehogs started. I bought 2 toy hedgehogs in Prague and 1 in Vienna. After that I started bringing hedgehogs from all my trips, even from Hong Kong (Never knew that hedgehogs are popular in HK too). My collection was growing very quickly and at some point I realised that I had to stop, otherwise my house would turn into a house of insane hedgehog lover.

And I decided to change my way of collecting hedgehogs. I started painting them on porcelain cups, plates, bowls. My hedgehogs became very popular. It appeared to be that there are a lot of hedgehog lovers around the world. Now I have customeers from the UK, Russia, the USA, France, New Zealand, the Neatherlands, Germany. There are a lot of us, people who love hedgehogs. Look at them! They are so cute, aren't they!

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